Angvik Auto Fortolling

On Monday, April 29, 2024, after business hours, Angvik Auto Fortolling AS will be integrated into the same domain as Angvik Auto AS. Previous email addresses will be gradually phased out in favor of new ones.

The old address will be replaced with This new address should be used for all general correspondence with Angvik Auto Fortolling AS, including invoices, certificates, customs documents, arrival notices, and other relevant communications related to customs assignments.

The employees' personal email addresses will also be updated, following the same format used by Angvik Auto in Molde, namely

Additionally, we would like to take this opportunity to introduce our new website!

On our new website, you will find updated information about both Angvik Auto and Angvik Auto Fortolling. We have also added a calendar marking relevant public holidays and driving bans, an informative "Good to Know" section, and a page dedicated to current news – just like this one!

We hope you appreciate the new changes!

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